醫院名稱 | 詹內科診所 (台北市) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
體檢地址 | 106台北市大安區和平東路1段77號-2(查看地圖) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
掛號電話 | 02-23928283 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
線上網路掛號 | 暫不提供線上掛號,請通過上方電話或至服務台咨詢 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
科別 | 一般內科 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
無障礙 | 無障礙廁所 無障礙通路 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
營業類別 | 門診診療 成人預防保健 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
看診營業時間 |
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評價推薦 | 辦公室和設施有點舊,但醫生和工作人員都很友好。 The office and facilities are a bit old, but the doctor and staff are quite friendly. 詹醫師是很棒的醫師,問診親切,開的藥也先顧慮到身體,詹醫師對人很好。我對身體有什麼疑問都會去請教他。 設備非常老舊醫生問診不夠細心有點鬼打牆可能再去其他家看看 詹醫師很專業,去看診時,都會先詳細瞭解病人身體狀況。 非常親切且專業的小診所 專業又友善 李仲男 Yiyo Lin 這家診所可能是我去過的最糟糕的診所之一。我帶著劇烈的胃痛、腹瀉和噁心/嘔吐來到診所。在與醫生預約後的 5 分鐘內,我在一個塑料袋中嘔吐。辦公桌前的人既不承認也不幫助我。作為衛生行業的人,非常不專業和不可接受。醫生很快就看到了我,聽了我的胃,量了我的體溫。然後他開始開處方,卻沒有告訴我我出了什麼問題。直到我媽媽問我怎麼了,他才回答“哦可能吃了一些不好的東西”。當我拿到處方時,我收到了三個小袋子,上面寫著普通話,沒有藥名,也沒有英文說明,儘管他們知道我是外國人。他們的推理? “哦,因為她沒有醫療保險,她不需要知道藥物的名稱。”這簡直是不可接受的,而且有潛在的危險。他們隱瞞了重要的醫療信息。如果我對其中一種藥物過敏怎麼辦?tl博士;總而言之,這家診所根本沒有專業精神,缺乏同理心。請勿訪問此診所。 This clinic was probably one of the worst I have visited. I came into the clinic with sharp stomach pain, diarrhea and nausea/vomitting. Within 5 minutes of scheduling an appointment with the doctor, I was vomiting in a plastic bag. The person at the desk did not acknowledge nor help me. Very unprofessional and unacceptable as a person within the health profession. The doctor saw me quickly, listened to my stomach and took my temperature. He then began to write a prescription without telling me what was wrong with me. It was only until my mother asked what was wrong with me that he replied "oh probably ate something bad". When I got my prescription, I received 3 little bags that said stuff in Mandarin with no drug name nor any English directions, even though they knew I was foreigner. Their reasoning? "Oh its because she has no health insurance, she doesn't need to know the names of the meds." That is simply unacceptable and potentially dangerous. They are withholding important medical information. What if I'm allergic to one of the meds?tl dr; all in all, this clinic has no professionalism at all and lacks empathy. DO NOT VISIT THIS CLINIC. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
位置詳情 |
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其他網點 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
網點簡介 | 詹內科診所位於106台北市大安區和平東路1段77號-2,看診科別主要有:一般內科、主要提供以下服務項目:成人預防保健、門診診療、預約掛號或者咨詢床位情況,請聯繫官方電話:02-23928283。 |
執行時長 | 0.0036730766296387秒 |
本文編號 | 11765 |
本文地址 | https://yiyuan39.cn/item/11765/ |
本文核心 | 詹內科診所 |
更新時間 | 2025-03-19 05:01:48 |
推薦次數 | 20次 |
漢字字數 | 2781個 |
字母字數 | 1187個 |
數字字數 | 284個 |
其他字數 | 486個 |